Special Meeting
Members of the public may address the Community Services Commission on any matter listed or not listed on the agenda as follows:
VERBAL PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided in-person during the meeting upon being recognized by the Chairperson. Members of the public must complete a “Request to Speak” form and submit it to the Commission Secretary. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words).
WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided either in-person during the meeting by submitting 15 copies to the Commission Secretary, it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting; or can be emailed in advance to, no later than 12:00 p.m., on the day of the meeting. Written public comments will be distributed to the Community Services Commission, made publicly available, and will be incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting, but will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Chairperson, a brief summary of public comment is asked to be reported.
If written public comments are emailed, the email subject line must clearly state “Written Comments” and should include: 1) full name, 2) city of residence, and 3) subject matter.
All writings or documents, including but not limited to emails and attachments to emails, submitted to the City regarding any item(s) listed or not listed on this agenda are public records. All information in such writings and documents is subject to disclosure as being in the public domain and subject to search and review by electronic means, including but not limited to the City’s Internet Web site and any other Internet Web-based platform or other Web-based form of communication. All information in such writings and documents similarly is subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act [Government Code § 6250 et seq.].
Teleconferencing and Telephonic Accessibility in Effect
Pursuant to Executive Orders N-60-20 and N-08-21 executed by the Governor of California, and subsequently Assembly Bill 361 (AB 361, 2021), enacted in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.), and City Council Resolution No. 2021-035, adopted by the City Council on September 28, 2021, and reaffirmed on January 17, 2023, members of the public, the Community Services Commission (Commission), the City Manager, City Attorney, City Staff, and City Consultants shall participate and attend this special meeting by teleconference only.
PUBLIC COMMENTS – INSTRUCTIONS Members of the public may address the Commission on any matters listed or not listed on the agenda as follows:
VERBAL PUBLIC COMMENTS VIA TELECONFERENCE – members of the public may attend and participate in this meeting by teleconference via Zoom and use the “raise your hand” feature when public comments are prompted by the Chair; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the Commission and general public and allow him/her/them to speak on the item(s) requested. Please note – members of the public must unmute themselves when prompted upon being recognized by the Chair, in order to become audible to the Commission and the public. Only one person at a time may speak by teleconference and only after being recognized by the Chair. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words).
ZOOM LINK: Meeting ID: 843 0470 0627 Or join by phone: (253) 215 – 8782 Public speakers may elect to use printed presentation materials to aid their comments; such printed materials shall be emailed to the Commission Secretary at, preferably by 2:00 p.m. the day of the meeting, or any time before the adjournment of the meeting, and will be distributed to the Commission, made public by publishing them on the City’s website, and will be incorporated into the public record of the meeting. There shall be no use of Chamber resources and technology to display visual or audible presentations during public comments, unless permitted by the Presiding Officer. In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2022-028, a one-time additional speaker time donation of three (3) minutes per individual is permitted; please note that the member of the public donating time must: 1) submit this in writing to the Commission Secretary, via email at the email address provided above, noting the name of the person to whom time is being donated to, and 2) be present at the time the speaker provides verbal comments. Verbal public comments are defined as comments provided in the speakers’ own voice and may not include video or sound recordings of the speaker or of other individuals or entities, unless permitted by the Chair.
WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided by emailing the Commission Secretary as noted above, preferably by 2:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, or any time before the adjournment of the meeting, and will be distributed to the Commission, made public by publishing them on the City’s website, incorporated into the public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Chair, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the Commission Secretary can accommodate such request. The email “subject line” must clearly state “Written Comments” and list the following: 1) Full Name 4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number 2) City of Residence 5) Subject 3) Phone Number 6) Written Comments All writings or documents, including but not limited to emails and attachments to emails, submitted to the City regarding any item(s) listed or not listed on this agenda are public records. All information in such writings and documents is subject to disclosure as being in the public domain and subject to search and review by electronic means, including but not limited to the City’s Internet Web site and any other Internet Web-based platform or other Web-based form of communication. All information in such writings and documents similarly is subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act [Government Code § 7920 et seq.]. It would be appreciated that any email communications for public comments related to the items on the agenda, or for general public comment, are provided to the Commission Secretary at the email address listed above prior to the commencement of the meeting. If that is not possible, and to accommodate public comments on items that may be added to the agenda after its initial posting or items that are on the agenda, every effort will be made to attempt to review emails received by the Commission Secretary during the course of the meeting. The Chair will endeavor to take a brief pause before action is taken on any agenda item to allow the Commission Secretary to review emails and share any public comments received during the meeting. All emails received by the Commission Secretary, at the email address above, until the adjournment of the meeting, will be included in the public record relating to the meeting.